February 23, 1940 – November 2, 2020
NOTE: All remarks appear first in their original language and immediately following in the translation, either from Russian to English or English to Russian. Google Translate or Yandex Translate have been used for the translations.
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Elena Pishcherskaia: I was very lucky in my life! At the very beginning of my professional career, I met Olga Isaakovna. I learned everything from herattitude to work, students, colleagues, and life. Over time, we became friends. This friendship is one of the most important and valuable things in my life. Olga Isaakovnamy Olguitamy role model for incredible love of life and humanity. Dismantle an old fence by pulling nails out of planks; conduct scientific research on a completely new topic; fly halfway around the world at the age of 79; give unconditional love and support not only to your loved ones, but also to hundreds of friends and former students around the worldthat’s Her! She left, leaving a huge mark on this earthin the souls and lives of all people who were lucky enough to meet Her on their way. Good journey, my dear, my own.
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Natalia Skliarova, Director of the Children’s Center “Unity” in Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky:
Many people, in the course of their lives, their actions, attitude to people, manner of communication, human qualities become different from others. Someone creates a void around them, a negative or vice versa flashes brightly, but quickly burns out. And there are those who light up everyone around them and charge others with this light. Olga Isaakovna became such a Person for me, the Director of a large children’s home.
Before I met her, it seemed to me that there was no one to care about the orphans of our orphanage. Or rather, there were, but they were fleeting, temporary, and did not cause the children those emotions and feelings that leave a trace in the soul. During the period of our friendship, Olga Isaakovna managed to unite all her friends, students, volunteers, colleagues, and relatives around orphans. She proved to all of us more than once with her actions and words, that our children are the best! Admiration for actions performed by our children and adults in our Home inspire confidence and optimism in them. Olga Isaakovna always found such words.
More than once, as a Director, my hands dropped to my sides, I was burning out, it seemed, on everything! No more strength! But after talking to a Friend, I realized that I have the Strength and I Can!
Very touchingly, Olga Isaakovna prepared gifts for our children. Nothing escaped her attention. She accurately determined what kind of gift the child needed and did it slowly, thoroughly, and in a kind way. She found time for each child, leaving bright memories in his soul.
Despite my considerable age and experience, I have always considered and will continue to consider Olga Isaakovna my best Friend and Mentor.
A person exists as long as he is remembered! And we will all remember!
CHITA.RU (local news and advertising site) reportage from November 3, 2020-
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Foreign language teacher Olga Fleshler died on November 2 in Chita at the age of 80, Chita.Ru news agency reported on November 3 at the press service of the Trans-Baikal State University.
“The staff of the Trans-Baikal State University, the Chita Institute of the Baikal State University, the staff of the GUSO” Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky TsPDOPR “Unity” of the Trans- Baikal Territory, former colleagues from the CSPI and ZabGPU, numerous students and friends around the world grieve about this irreparable loss and express condolences to their families and friends Olga Isaakovna, the press service said.
Olga Isaakovna was born on February 23, 1940 in Chita. In 1962 she graduated from the ChGPI with a degree in English. For more than 30 years she worked at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the ChGPI. She continued to develop the traditions of the department as a scientific and methodological language school in Transbaikalia, created conditions for the training of qualified scientific personnel at the department, students and followers.
In 1996, with the direct participation of Olga Fleshler, the department of “Regional Studies of the USA” was opened at ZabSU, new curricula were created, and unique methods of teaching a foreign language were developed. Thanks to Olga Isaakovna, native speakers of the English language appeared for the first time in educational institutions of the Trans-Baikal Territory.
Over the years of her professional career, she taught at universities in China, the USA, and worked at the Irkutsk State Linguistic University and the Chita Institute of the Baikal State University. She has made a huge contribution to the development of language education in our region. Colleagues speak of her as a professional with a versatile mind, charm, a special talent for communication, life-loving, optimistic, and with a subtle sense of humor.
Olga Fleshler for many years was the main friend and trustee of the team of children and adults of the Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky center for helping children left without parental care “Unity”. Thanks to her, the center has implemented projects that have played acrucial role in the life of the pupils.
Ekaterina Rakhmanova 03 November 2020
Selections from the comments to this article:
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Tatiana Arkadyevna: Olga Isaakovna TEACHER from God, an extraordinary talent teacher of English. She will forever remain in the memory of her many students, colleagues and simply Chita people who knew her personally. Kingdom of Heaven Olga Isaakovna.
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L.B. Kovalchuk: For us, students of Olga Isaakovna, her professionalism will forever remain an unattainable height. Wherever Olga Isaakovna worked, whatever she did, everything turned into a unique, inimitable sample of creativity, intended for her students, colleagues, friends, because the main value in Olga Isaakovna’s life has always been people. So Olga Isaakovna lived on her own and taught us, her students. Among the professionals of her level, there was no more accessible, more delicate, more understandable, simple and close person for colleagues and students. That is why our loss is irreplaceable, and parting with Olga Isaakovna is incomprehensible.
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Igor: Olga Isaakovna was a Teacher with a capital letter, she could not only convey even the most complex information in an understandable form, but she shared her life experience and was a friend for all her students. Even many years after graduation, it was always pleasant to call and talk with Olga Isaakovna or visit her. It’s hard to believe that Olga Isaakovna is no longer with us, condolences to family and friends!
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1985 Graduate 03.11 20:55: My place is at the lectern, Olga Isaakovna said. Special pedagogical talent, incredible love of life, breadth and freedom of views, loyalty and dedication to her work will forever remain in the souls of her former students. Blessed memory of Olga Isaakovna!
Tom Dickinson, Founder and President of Siberian Bridges: Ive known Olga Isaakovna almost from the first time I came to teach in Chita in 1992. She became one of my dearest friends and valued confidantes since then despite our living on opposite sides of the globe. Her generosity of spirit above all, paired with her tenacity, remarkable intelligence and perceptivity and her endless curiosity, shaped the work of our small organization both in Russia and in the United States. She made things work. She inspired, directly and just by her being around. People made things work because of her. And it was always something good, and it was always about helping others. She is remembered and kept close to my heart with the deepest gratitude.
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Coby Oertel, University of Minnesota student studying Russian who met Olga in December 2019: It was a blow to hear that Olga passed. I remember how happy she made me when we spoke and she called me ???????. In another world, we would have been good friends, but I still know her as a lovely and extraordinary person.
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Rory King, University of Minnesota student studying Russian who met Olga in Dec. 2019: Olga was so welcoming and kind and treated me as if she had known me for years. May she Rest In Peace, and she will always be remembered.
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Charlie and Jean Dickinson, parents of Tom and there at the start of Siberian Bridges: Olga was one of the most delightful people we met because of Siberian Bridges. She was always delightful, generous and energetic, and we will always be hoping shell visit us again. At least she will always be alive in our memories. Thanks, Olga, for just being you.
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Evgeny Kremnyov: Kindness, charm, sharp mind, talent, energy and love for people-and all this was in one person. Teacher, colleague and best friend, I will miss you very much, Olga Isaakovna.
In your eighties, you set an example for everyone: you had time to go to school every year.
The United States, establish friendly relations between the two countries, organize meetings, help talented children and adults, and much more. Until you came to me. He continues to take away our dear people. Strength and health to the doctors who are fighting for our lives, and to the orphaned world, more people like Olga Isaakovna.
Judy Boudreau, Treasurer and Board member, Siberian Bridges: I loved Olga and she will be forever in my heart as an example of what one person can do to make a difference in our divided world. Thank you for your friendship and leadership, dear Olga.
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At her 80th birthday, Feb, 23, 2020 Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky May 2012. With Judy Boudreau at the Children’s Center’s summer camp Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky 2019, Int’l Decembrists Conference, tour to the historic iron mine Founding of the “Siberian Bridges” organization in Chita (our t-shirts): Yulia Bakhmutova, Oga, Svetlana Sivtsova, Elena, Tanya Sukhanova, Elvira Baldanova, Elena Solovyova Minneapolis 2014 at a Siberian Bridges get-together with Judy and Irene Party in Olga’s apartment 2018 with US tour group (Chuck, Tom D, Judy, Tom L, Irene and Ginny) and Victor and Elena Denver 2019, Clermont Senior Living Ctr where Olga and Elena gave a talk. Tom D, Dee Haley (Olga’s great friend in Fort Morgan, CO), Sue Wilcox who invited us. Golden, CO 2019 with Tom’s high school friends, Mike and Amy Hooley Greeting Tom D at the airport in 2014 with Victor and Tanya Sukhanova Village of Tasey, Slava and Natasha Vyunov’s place for tea. 2014 tour group: Yuri Romanovich (guide) Steve Margolin, Tom D, Robin Hoffman, Renee Margolin, Victor, Meg Mabbs, Irene Duranczyk, Olga Kostina (tour agent), Olga. Slava and Natasha in front. On Slava Vyunov’s historic Lend-Lease jeep in 2014 in the village of Tasey At the Children’s Center “Unity” in 2015 Funeral, Chita, November 5, 2020 At Victor and Elena’s dacha with Victor’s son’s family and his wife in 2017 Concert to support Chita-based “Siberian Bridges” organization, with Elena Solovyova and Svetlana Sivtsova in 2008 At Victor and Elena’s dacha, 2018 Minneapolis 2019 with Tom’s cat Homa (????) At Victor and Elena’s dacha, 2019 with Natasha Gotlib Petrovsk-Zab. 2015 presenting to the children about volunteering Petrovsk-Zab 2015 at the Children’s Center “Unity” nursergy with Chuck, Tom, Jennifer Drewyor, Olga Burlova and staff Minneapolis 2019, staying with Irene Duranczyk and Tom Lonergan University of MN 2019, decompressing with Tom Saint Paul, MN 2008 with Ray McGovern, peace activist at the RNC US trip 2019 with Chuck Ritchie Cancun 2019 US trip 2019 US trip 2019 Cancun 2019 Cancun 2019 Cancun 2019 University of MN 2019 chatting with students of Russian